Our Hotel Blog

posted by: The Continental Hotel on: January 30, 2018

Today is “National Plan Your Vacation Day.” Yes, there is a day for that. And for a good reason.

Americans universally say that vacation days are important to them, yet 54 percent of workers aren’t using their hard-earned vacation time. Recent research found that workers are taking nearly a full week less of vacation than we did in 2000, resulting in a stockpile of 600 million unused vacation days.

This is bad for everyone since vacation has been proven to make you happier and healthier! (Like we actually need research for that though, right?)

So, what are you waiting for? Stop making excuses. Take back your calendar and put vacation at the top of your list of priorities.

If your planning gets you thinking about trips to Southern Iowa, let us know! We are happy to accommodate groups large and small and our friendly staff know all the best places to visit for a long weekend getaway.